There’s nothing better then having the bible really come to life as you read. Following a daily reading plan is one way to help you read and discover truths that will change your life.

At Life, we encourage the use of the Life Journal Plan that will take you through the bible in a year. As well as reading scripture, it can really come to life when you’re thinking out how it applies to your life and journaling your thoughts (even if they’re only brief!)

With that in mind, we use the acrostic SOAP as we read and journal.

S: Scripture. Which passage particularly stands out? Be prayerful and expectant as you read..
O: Observation. What is happening/what are the main themes in the passage?
A: Application. How does this apply to me personally?
P: Prayer. With the above in mind, what is my prayer?

Here are journals from some of our people to help you get started ‘soaping’!

Swallow your pride

S Proverbs 8:13 – All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I (wisdom) hate(s) pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech. O Wisdom is not a friend of pride & arrogance. The two cannot exist together. A If I’m proud, then I’m not wise. If I’m arrogant, then it would be safe to say I’m foolish. To often I’ve seen proud people fall at the first hurdle because they lack wisdom. And it’s a lesson I’ve learnt particularly in business (even today) – to never be too proud or arrogant. Even if I think I’m right, if the client thinks I’m wrong it’s better to just say sorry and fix the issue. That’s wisdom! There’s no room for pride or arrogance if you really want to grow. if its wisdom I seek, then I need to put others before myself and swallow my pride. P Lord, help me to remember that, when I’m particularly annoyed or frustrated, that swallowing my pride is the wisest thing to do. Give me the strength to do this and the character to be gentle – so that wisdom may grow and pride/arrogance my decrease in my life.